Love Yourself!


This has been a rough week, but a productive one at that!! I have definitely made progress on doc apps, and I have done quite a good amount of work! I also was able to get the nerve to help end something that was no longer working for me… so now I will have even more time to do work? Perks? It took a lot and I am definitely upset about it, but when something good turns a bit negative.. as much as it stinks sometimes its for the best.


enough sad sackness, today I wanted to talk about confidence! Mostly because I got asked yesterday if  I was confident… and the answer is sometimes I am, sometimes I am not! But I have realized that I cannot lean on others to make me feel confident.. it is all on me! This is often easier said than done as it is so easy for us to compare ourselves to others, or allow things to bring us down and doubt ourselves! I am also incredibly hard on myself, often finding fault in things that really aren’t at fault. So in order to combat that I have made a “confidence list”  something to look at to remind me just how strong, capable, and awesome I am! If you ever feel a little down on yourself I urge you to do the same thing!!

Confidence List

1. I have now run TWO half marathons… and thats a huge deal

2. I have a bubbly infectious personality that I love.. even if others may not

3. I like my smile

4. and my legs

5. I have the best friends a girl can ask for and I feel unbelievably lucky to be around them

6. My family is pretty sweet too

7. I love my hair (even though half of it is extensions.. hehehe win)

8. I am smart, and driven

9. I am good with kids

10. I am a darn good baker and cook!

11. I am a good listener, and an even better talker

12. I found a career path I love

Sooo these obviously are not all physical, and thats ok… because you need to love your whole self, personality, body, everything!! You are all incredible beautiful people and shouldn’t let anyone take that away from you! So always remember the things other people love about you… all those great things that make you YOU!

And now I shall leave you with some wonderful Pinterest quotes!

Source: via Susan on Pinterest

Source: via Susan on Pinterest

Source: via Susan on Pinterest

Source: via Brandi on Pinterest

Source: via Meg on Pinterest

Source: via Chelsea on Pinterest

Source: via Heat on Pinterest

Soooo goood!I heart Pinterest!!
SO tell me… what do you LOVE about yourself?
Peace, Love, and be Sperry!

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